Are you successfully positioning yourself as an expert by offering knowledge?

Grab our free guide "10 Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert with Video"


It's really hard to produce content. You're responsible for showing up on multiple platforms, each with their own format and style. Your offering may be difficult to communicate, especially if your "product" is knowledge, and can't be easily summed up in a feature set. There’s a need for volume and publishing calendars to feed the never-ending social media machine. And there’s the need not only to produce content, but to monitor its consumption and maintain a conversation with your audience. How can organizations keep up with publishing authentic, original and useful content regularly?  


Video First™

A system to exponentially scale your influence using video.

How to Position Yourself as an Expert in 6 Easy Steps:


1. Content Strategy

Answer "what unique knowledge do we have that offers the most value?" then commit it to a publishing calendar. Use presentations, workshops, articles, your website and your customers' frequently asked questions as a source.  

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2. Effortless Interviews

People love talking about themselves and their area of expertise. Unscripted and natural, interviews of you and your best customers will bring out the best faster and more authentically than any other approach. 


3. Video Library

Cut the interview into 2 minute clips. By speaking to each touchpoint where your audience engages with your brand, you'll have a powerful marketing toolkit that works for you 24/7. 


4. Mobile Social Media Optimization

Break down the video library into 15 second square, captioned videos with calls to action. Designed to capture attention on mobile social media feeds, these videos are key drivers to encourage likes, shares, sign-ups and engagement. 


5. Write + Publish

Streamline publishing by using video transcriptions as a source for your articles. Instead of starting out with a blank page, let video write for you. Then, embed video within text posts to offer a greater incentive for your audience to read.  


6. Analytics

Understand how your content is being consumed: by who, where, on what device and on what platform. Identifying patterns over time will provide a strategic roadmap for continuing to develop relevant content. Video offers many more ways to understand behavior patterns than text and analytics is great way to quantify your return on investment.